
Explore ISL routing and coexistence with Magister’s simulators for New Space

Find out how Magister’s simulators tackle complexities in New Space: from ISL routing algorithms to coexistence.

Navigating New Space challenges with simulations

Discover how simulation tools help you address New Space challenges – cutting costs, saving time and reducing risks.

From 5G to 6G non-terrestrial networks (NTN)

Magister has been actively involved in 5G NTN standardization work through several ESA-funded projects.

Magister facilitated Forsway’s comprehensive comparison of DVB/NR technologies

Magister’s simulation project helped Forsway better understand the differences between DVB and NR technologies.
HELENA project

The HELENA project – when the sky is no longer the limit for 5G

The HELENA project fosters the development of enhancements to the NTN standard.

5G-SPECTRA: Satellite Performance Evaluation for Coexistence with Terrestrial Radio Applications

In the 5G-SPECTRA project, Magister developed simulation tools for evaluating how satellites can best coexist with terrestrial 5G.
Magister 3GPP

Release 18: Simulations will be crucial in optimizing the resource usage in future satellite networks

Nicolas Chuberre (TASF) and Jani Puttonen (Magister) give an account of what the SatCom industry should expect from the 3GPP Release 18.
Magister 3GPP

Importance of standardization – Magister joins the 3GPP

Magister Solutions has joined The 3rd Generation Partnership Project.