Published on 01.04.2021 | Last updated on 14.10.2024

The satellite industry is in a constant change and we are always curious to know how to serve it better and more appropriately. To get there, we made a market study with Jansky Partners’ Damien Garot. Read here, how Garot sums up the study and how we are replying to the market’s needs.

The space industry is going through its rejuvenation phase for 3 reasons. First, the wave of miniaturization and digitalization has reached the space sector. Second, the lower costs of access to space have eased the risk/opportunity ratio of space projects. And finally, new players like Amazon and SpaceX have entered the field and are now bringing a fresh mindset and deep pockets to the sector.

The space sector is now more active than in the last 20 years.

Responding to genuine needs

Market projections for the space sector display ambitious growth and the stakeholders’ testimony was clear on the speed and the scale of changes for the industry with developments like 5G NTN or Hybrid LEO/MEO/GEO networks.

– Satellite industry is growing fast and its vendors are also actively participating in standardization processes, but they are often missing the network simulation capabilities. Active participation in standardization work is just not possible without an ability to provide simulation results as part of the studies. Keeping in mind that the mobile industry has been involved in standardization for decades, satellite industry players should not be set aside from future discussion because the lack of sufficient tools.This is one of the key areas we can offer a solution for. Magister SimLab offers a possibility to use a user-friendly, vendor independent, high-class online simulation service, already used e.g. as part of 3GPP work, Magister Solutions’ CEO Tommi Flink says.

Magister’s willingness to respond to the market’s true needs has been noticed:

– Beyond the buzzwords of the moment, there are crucial questions like “How to convince my customers, my shareholders or the Institutions (e.g. FCC) of the relevance of my solution?”. Magister develops superior network-level simulation tools to answer the actual issues of the customer, in terms of format, capabilities and the ease of use. This combination of power and efficiency is the true differentiator, Garot says.

Creating balance and trust via independency

The dynamism of the space sector goes along with a reorganisation of the value chain. Stakeholders focus on their core business and seek an ecosystem of independent vendors, to establish a robust supply ecosystem. From that standpoint, the market is getting more productized. Independent vendors are also neutral:

– Neutrality can play a key role when a vendor’s solution is used to intermediate with another sector. For instance, Magister provides the right set of neutral tools to discuss in standardization forum like 3GPP or to convince an MNO of a SatCom solution, says Garot.

Magister has a 15-year long history in simulations and during that whole time it has actively made its own research. Role as an independent vendor brings a certain responsibility but it also brings various possibilities:

– For us, independency also means a possibility to productize our services for a wide range of customers. It enables to execute reliable simulations without extensive development processes, which is very welcomed by the industry, says Flink.

Toward the market leadership by healing the pain points

Focusing on specific pain points of the selected market enables a company to have the best product fit and over time to achieve market leadership.

– As Geoffrey More explained in Crossing the Chasm 30 years ago, understanding these customer issues is the first step toward market leadership. Companies that are focused on closing sales, whatever verticals they address, cannot reach the leader status on that market as they simply do not care enough on the issues of their customers, Garot explains.

Damien Garot believes Magister has what it takes to become a market leader:

– For me, this study proves that Magister is driven by the ambition to become a market leader by productizing its solutions to the ecosystem. If I were to perform a corporate culture comparison, I would say Magister is a market-driven company, able to achieve leadership, rather than a sales-driven company, focused on staying afloat thanks to sufficient revenues.

Magister is now heading to the new age with high speed:

– We wanted to make this study now, while we still can make changes to our productization and focus on the real pain points of the field. Thanks to this study, we are now even more confident that our future plans and development processes are on the right track. Damien’s deep professionality from the industry and simulations makes these results extra convincing, says Flink.

Could Simulations as a Service make a difference to your business? Read more here!


  • Magister and Jansky Partners’ Damien Garot executed a market study to explore how Simulations as a Service can truly help the space industry at its new era.
  • Growing industry and its vendors who are actively participating in standardization processes need network simulation capabilities like Magister SimLab.
  • Market’s productization underlines the need for independent vendors like Magister. Independent vendors offer specific services, hardwares or solutions and are neutral.