
From 5G to 6G non-terrestrial networks (NTN)

During the last few years, the development of non-terrestrial networks (NTN) has consistently taken leaps forward. 5G NTN standards are becoming mature, and after that, attention shall move towards 6G NTN.

Verneri Rönty: There is something to learn in everything

Verneri Rönty joined Magister’s team a little over a year ago and has demonstrated his skills in several international projects. A constant desire to learn new things drives him forward in his work.

Magister facilitates Forsway’s comprehensive comparison of DVB/NR technologies

During the spring of 2023, Magister Solutions executed a DVB/NR technology comparison project for Forsway. The objective was to compare the DVB-S2X/RCS2 and 5G NR-NTN technologies with each other in a geostationary satellite scenario.

The MARINA project compares the performance of DVB-S2x/RCS2 and 5G-NR NTN

The comparison of DVB-S2X/RCS2 and 5G-NR NTN technologies has become a highly relevant and debated topic in broadband satellite communication. MARINA project is addressing this subject.

5G-SPECTRA: Satellite Performance Evaluation for Coexistence with Terrestrial Radio Applications

In answer to the European Space Agency’s (ESA) invitation to tender looking into the radio specification studies for 5G non-terrestrial networks (NTNs), 5G-SPECTRA is a project that is undertaken by Magister Solutions in partnership with Satellite Applications Catapult and the University of Surrey in England.

Simulation services making mobile- and satellite network simulations accessible for everyone

[First published in December 2020] This fall we received a big acknowledgement from the European Space Agency (ESA), who assigned us with a funding of 250 000 euros to improve our Magister SimLab. The funding isn’t only for Magister though, it is for the whole satellite industry. Here’s why:

The future railway mobile communication systems – The SAIRCC project

What will the railway systems be like in 20 years? Surely they’ll be more automatized, but what sort of requirements will they have? How will the coming traffic control systems be efficient and safe at the same time? Magister is participating in solving these questions by developing a new air interface for future railway control […]